Synthetic wigs are a great choice for those who want the option of a wide variety of hair styles and lengths, but don’t want to pay the higher price for a wig made of real human hair. But the synthetic wigs get tangled more easily than the human hair wigs . Here are some suggestions for the how to treat the tangled synthetic wigs and how to prevent the tangling .
First of all we talk about how to get tangles out of the wigs ,here are the steps you can follow .
1.Combing and Styling
You can use the fabric softener mix with water about 1:20 then spay on the wig .
Comb or brush the synthetic wig with those instruments designed specifically for the wig such as the brush we send to you. If these are not available, use a brush with rubber tips to prevent split ends, which promote tangling of your wig.
Brush the wig starting at the ends of the synthetic hair and working upwards to the scalp area. This prevents little tangles from converging with others below and creating larger tangles.
Fill the sink with cool water. Hot water can relax or remove curls placed in the wig by the manufacturer.
Add two cupfuls of shampoo for synthetic wigs and immerse the wig in the water. Gently swish the wig in the water and soak for one to two minutes. This loosens any debris and reduces the need for rubbing, which promotes tangles.
Rinse the wig with the water flowing in the direction the fibers are laid. Typically, this will be from the top of the wig, downward.
The following steps are for how to prevent the wig from tangling .